Tuesday, August 9, 2016

(#1) 8-11-16

Welcome to ART 2! I am super excited to share a space with you this 2016-2017 academic year. I cannot wait to expand your art knowledge and see the next level at which you can visually express yourself. Remember that you are all AMAZING individuals and your personal style is not only welcomed but expected at this level of your art career. Yes, I said "career." Art 2 is a pathway towards AP Art and we need to start thinking of this course as an important training ground for any advancements in the arts, regardless of your career choice. In addition, we WILL be talking about art careers in this course, in the case that you want to pursue art as a career after graduation. 

To begin with, we must review a few Art 1 concepts. Today we will be looking at 4 of the 7 Elements of Design. Watch the following videos and discuss all 4 videos in the comments based on the criteria mentioned below:
  1. What part of the video is familiar to you from Art 1?
  2. What information is new to you?
  3. How does this video connect an art element with career?


  1. LINE

    1. What part of the video is familiar to you from Art 1?
      I remember that line can pretty much be in any form, whether think or thick, dark or light, straight or curvy.
      What information is new to you?
      What is new to me is that each artist has their own way of doing lines, and it could show the type of person they are.
      How does this video connect an art element with career?
      Art connects with career when artist and filmmakers use lines to be able to take the right shots to show what they want to express

    2. 1.A part of the video that was familiar to me from art 1 was that lines is the part of the elements of art
      2.something new i learned from this video was that every person draws lines in their own unique way.
      3.this connects with career because it showed how fotographers angle their cameras.

    3. 1. A line can be any shape, as in thick, thin, curved, dark or light.
      2. Something new was that materials such as metal can be bent to create a shape that is a line
      3. This connects to a career because photographers are artist as well which capture certain angles to show the artistic effect.

    4. On time. Who is Unknown? Identify yourself.

    5. The unknown one was me. Sorry.

    6. The unknown one was me. Sorry.

    7. 1) a part that was familiar to me was about the lines. We learned that an art One that lights can be either thick or thin
      2)something that I learned in this video was of that artist draw a line to express how they someone's feel.
      3)this connects within a career because the last sculptures or makers use line to create different antiques

  2. SHAPE

    1. What part of the video is familiar to you from Art 1?
      I remember learning about geometric and organic shapes. Geometric shapes are the basic shapes like squares and triangles, but organic shapes are shapes that are just different from those.
      What information is new to you?
      There is nothing really new for me.
      How does this video connect an art element with career?
      This connects art to career because since everyone is different they perceive things in different ways. Some may pay more attention to detail and being precise. While others just pay attention to shape and color.

    2. A part of the video that was familiar to me from art 2 was that there is two different types of shapes which are organic and geometric shapes.
      2.i didn't find anything in this video that was new for me.
      3. This relates to career because they talk about how artists learn how to see the world around them as basic shapes.

    3. 1. What's familiar is that when one point of a line connects to another is creates a shape.
      2. Something new are geometric an organic shapes.
      3. This connects to an artist because each approach in how you decide to create a line brings our different emotions.

    4. 1) A part of the video that is familiar is that they are geometric and organic shapes in art.
      2) something that I just learned is that some shapes are two dimensional.
      3) this connects to an artist or a person who is looking at the drawing because the drying could mean different to other people


    1. What part of the video is familiar to you from Art 1?.
      What is familiar is that I used texture on my wolf painting in class from Art 1. We also used texture on the squares we made as a group with the yarn.
      What information is new to you?
      What is new to me is that there is real and implied texture. I did not know that they had different names for the forms of texture.
      How does this video connect an art element with career?
      This connects art with career because sometimes it is necessary for texture to be used for different things in a career. And sometimes artists want to put in texture to give a different sense or imply something specific

    2. 1. This seems familiar to me from art 1 because it is part of the elements of art and we did something with texture in the end of the year
      2. Something new i learned is that artists use alot of different ways to show texture, they even pile up paint.
      3. This relates to career because they said that artists take alot of time in putting texture in their art even if it is not meant to be touched.

    3. 1. Something that was familiar is that texture can be rough or smooth.
      2. Something new would be that textures that are implied are those that came not be felt but seen.
      3. This relates to a career because when an artist is creating a piece, and it wants to provoke a certain emotion they need to pick the right texture.

    4. 1) something familiar that I learned from this video was that texture could something be rough or smooth.
      2)textures and also be created through the use of shapes.
      3) this relates to artists because art is put a lot of work into the art by adding texture

  4. FORM

    1. What part of the video is familiar to you from Art 1?
      The part of the video that is familiar to me is that form makes 2 dimensional shapes look 3 dimensional.
      What information is new to you?
      Information that is new to me is that not all form is very detailed and that it can just be simple. Also that form can be made with just black, white, and 1 shade of gray. I assumed more shades would be needed.
      How does this video connect an art element with career?
      This video connects an art element with a career by showing that artists often show their form art out in public where people can see it.

    2. 1. Something that seems familiar to me from art 1 is that i remember we once drew those three shapes and put form in it.
      2. Something new i learned is that "Trompe L'oeil" means fools the eye.
      3. Something that relates to career is that artists like drawing something with neon colors on a natural surface so it will seem more like it pops up.

    3. 1. Something familiar was the Trompe L'oeil which fools the eye by crating a 3D effect in an art piece.
      2. Soemthing new is that if you increase contrast and shadow effects you can create the 3D illusion.
      3. This relates to the career because when sculpting form is a very important element to be able to catch people's attention.

  5. Lucy mentioned the links in the blog do not work. Please use the links on these comments to access the Videos. Hope this works!

  6. 1. Something that is similar to art 1 is the different dimension that shapes can have.
    2.something new that I learned was that the different style of of painting can change the way you feel about the painting
    3.it relates to a career is that how you use the textures of the drawing can make it look as realistic as you want

  7. Evan, answer 3 questions per video. You should have a total of 4 sets of 3 responses here. Specify which element you are answering.

  8. (LINE)
    1. A familiar part is where each line has a different form.
    2. A new thing I learned is that each self-portrait has a meaning of who you are.
    3. Art connects with career because it can help in the future on your work.

    1. A familiar part is how shapes can be flat or two dimensional.
    2. A new thing is that geometric and organic shapes help and it's easier.
    3. Art connects with career by being able to identify certain things.

    1. A familiar part is how there's visual textures.
    2. A new things is that form texture can be real or implied.
    3. Art connects with career because we have texture everywhere!

    1. Something familiar is how form is build in so many different ways.
    2. Something new is how artist can actually trick your eyes by paintings.
    3. Art connects with career by being so many different forms in real life.

  9. (Line)
    1: It is familier to me in a way that lines are straight
    2: not very much it is all the same
    3: photographers use line to angle the picture

    1: it kinda reminds me of a kind of form that takes place
    2: object must be closed
    3: it connects to careers because most people see different shapes everyday

    1:i would use texture to finish and add details to my portrait of a cow
    2: i just found out that we can use different types of texture
    3: texture applys to achitects, mostly when they want to make a building, they have to make it look good

    1: i remember making 2d shapes into 3d shapes
    2:i learned that form can be an easy thing and it can be a hard thing to learn or master
    3: if you are a building designer you must know how to make a dope building

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