Wednesday, September 21, 2016

(#8) 9-26-16

You will be creating your own charcoal portrait in class. In order to do so, you must first understand how to set up your lighting. We learned in class today how important lighting was to define form. When you are photographing a model, you must always think about how your drawing will look like. We do not have lamps at school so your photo must be taken at home. You can use family members or friends. Anyone! As long as  your photo is well lit. Your photo is DUE September 26th in my email. It must have enough shadow to describe form. It must have a reflected light as well as a core shadow. The background has to be a solid color and can be done with a bed sheet. Failure to submit your photo for review will mean that you have less in class time to complete your portrait, thus leaving you behind on your work. Have your email sent to my by September 26th. Watch this video to help you set up your light.

Post questions here.

Monday, September 19, 2016

(#7) 9-20-16

Talent... the old idea of talent is outdated. Growth mindset states that you are willing to overcome obstacles over and over again in the face of failure. Jake Parker breaks down Talent into Fluid Talent (Born with) and Channeled Talent (Learned).
  1. Give me an example from your own experiences, relatives, etc. to explain your understanding of how both are used to become successful.
  2. In your opinion, what is more important? Do you agree or disagree with Jake? Why?

Thursday, September 15, 2016


I have 2 kids (a kindergartener that needs help with homework and a pooping baby), a husband that needs lots of love and attention, 150 high school kids I need to plan for daily, grades that need to be submitted regularly, an exhibit due October 1st, my Master's I have to go to school for, homework, and my wonderful non-existent free time I must attend to. STOP making excuses and get your blogs done.


Have a great day.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

(#6) 9-6-16

Finishing a project and keeping a steady pace is key to being successful at anything you do. Successful people see things through when they begin something. Whether it's college or a project. Follow through is imperative. Grit, pacing, persistence, and organization are essential in the completion process. Some people use planners while others keep others lists. I have provided you with a calendar of project deadlines. For today's blog I just want to talk about the process of 'finishing' projects and help you all get organized with the many things we have to do in this class. Here is a list of assignments which my have been changed from the calendar dates:
  1. Zoom 1, 2, and 3 Inked…. Due Sept. 9
  2. Zoom Together Group #1 Drawn…. Due Sept. 7
  3. Zoom Together Group #2 Drawn…. Due Sept. 12
  4. Zentangle Inked…. Due Sept. 16
  5. Zoom Together Group #3 Drawn…. Due Sept. 16
  6. Elements of Design Inked Poster…. Due Sept. 16
Lets pull through and keep up with the deadlines. Please answer the following questions:

  • How are you keeping organized while working on multiple projects?
  • How does working on multiple projects simulate real life?
  • What was your impression of the video shown in class?

Friday, August 26, 2016

(#5) 8-28-16

Inking is the joy of all art joys. I'll take inking over chocolate cake anytime... well, maybe not every time. Remember that your artwork is only as good as your tools are, so make sure you have the right tools (inking pens). Don't forget to get your Michael's coupon so you never have to pay full price for anything again!

I did only a tiny demo in class on inking, but you all have taken to learning the techniques quickly. Your pieces look fantastic thus far and I can't wait to see all of them completed and up on my wall. 

For today's blog I want to give you more insight into the professional world of inking. I found a great cartoonist by the name of Tom Richmond and he has a great website on inking. I especially like this particular section where he talks about line variation, adding blacks, crosshatching, patterns, and depth. You can scan his website and tutorials but please read THIS page as you study his images and answer the following questions:

  1. How does he use line variation in his images?
  2. Solid black is often a forgotten tool by amateur artists. How does adding solid blacks enhance the artwork?
  3. Find an inked image online that you feel shows all the characteristics of a great inked piece.
    • Post it. 
    • Name the artist.
    • Explain how the artist used master inking techniques.

Monday, August 22, 2016

(#4) 8-24-16

You guys are doing great so far on your Zoom Project. I can't wait to see it inked, but I'm jumping ahead. We will be inking starting Wednesday so BRING YOUR PENS and your finished pencil drawing. I noticed that some of you are struggling with composition and are still centering your images without taking into effect the Principles of Design. I am uploading two videos for you to watch. The first one is roughly 16-17 minutes long but does a great job at explaining the Golden Ratio/Rule of Thirds method for creating a balanced and appealing composition for any work of art. The second one is about 3 minutes and is great for a quick reference for when you are stuck on a piece and need quick tips on the go. I expect you to watch both.

Please answer the following questions:
  1. What common mistake(s) do you find yourself making in your own artwork?
  2. What is it about the Rule of Thirds that makes it pleasing to the eye?
  3. How will this help you when you are creating your own artwork?
  4. After watching the short 3 minute video, which "quick tip" did you find the most useful? 

Wednesday, August 17, 2016


This project starts today in class, but will continue at home. We WILL NOT be spending time on this project during class, but you WILL be bringing the project in for a critique. Follow the schedule for this project:
  • 8-17-16: Begin project by selecting the image you will be using.
  • 8-19-16 through 8-31-16: Draw out the Elements of Design as part of the collage composition in pencil.
  • 9-2-16: BRING IN Zentangle Project for class critique.
  • 9-3-16 through 9-15-16: Ink Zentangle Project based on critique corrections.
  • 9-16-16: SUBMIT Zentangle Project for a final unit grade.
You will be creating an image that is similar, but not limited to the following examples. Think creatively, outside the box, but most importantly you MUST include examples of ALL the Elements of the Design while incorporating the Principles of Design.